Monday, August 1, 2016

Miss me?

      Hello! It's the first day/Monday of August and I know I have been neglecting my blog here but I have some stuff that I did last month that I didn't post here so here goes. Just hit me I did nothing on here last month. (O_O) oh boy. Ok, so starting with my biggest muse, Tom Hiddleston (in a way). Supposedly, he had a radio interview where he gives away that Loki will have braided hair in Thor:Ragnarok. Naturally, curiosity ate away at me and as I am still wondering how his hair will be braided, I did some doodles: 

The Instagram filter makes it more interesting as it was done on paper. Yes, it's half hairstyles from fictional/pop culture characters and half currently fashionable hairstyles. And then I've been inspired to rework my manga style to make the faces more realistic looking and to continue working on my original stories so I've been doing a lot of work on it. More planning and research than drawing but I got some drawing done so here it is: 

Yes, it's Mike!!! As you can see (if you've seen anything I've done with him before), I have altered his design according to my new manga style and I decided to do a series of sketches that turned into a basic reference sheet so yep, here he is. I will also be working on altering his coloring later to be more realistic/natural looking and I will do one of these for Sandra as well. I'm adjusting some things with pretty much everybody here and possibly in other storylines so any details will be told as I go along here. In fact, I'll give you one detail and it's change now: Mike was originally going to be 180 pounds when he meets Sandra but as he is 6 feet tall, that would mean that I actually have to draw him heftier than I normally do so he got slimmed down to 165 pounds. That's all I've got for now and don't expect me to return shortly with a new doodle as I am tired of all the work I did on the ref sheet which took a little over a week and we are expecting visitors this week so hope you guys are good and enjoy. 

Happy Belated Star Wars Day

      Hello! Aw geez, this has kind of been some week for me. I doodled, I promise you that but Wednesday, just when I had finished my Star Wars stuff, we had some thunder and I took the precaution to turn off my computer so as not to lose anything suddenly. It was raining and after I got off my computer I didn't want to get back on so I let it be. I'm going through a mood where I don't really want to be on my computer to draw and with a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories that I'm borrowing from the library, it's pretty easy to say nah, I'm not going on. Ok, well earlier this week we had Star Wars Day, the day that it's ok to be a nerd outside of when the movie comes out in theaters and as the nerd that I am, I did something. One is a doodle and the other is a meme and here they are: 

Well, the last time that we saw this movie (before Wednesday. My more ridiculous sister felt the need to watch part of the saga to commemorate), my mom kept hating on his lightsaber. Let's just say my mom is not a Kylo Ren fan. She has turned into a Loki/Tom Hiddleston fan, something I kind of regret, but no movement on Kylo. That's fine, just annoying when she says "put the mask back on". My sister doesn't want to watch the movie with my mom anymore. 

My God. I had done this for Star Wars Day and now is when I'm posting this. Procrastination level: over 9000. Well, a couple weeks back, my Star Wars trash sister decided she wanted to watch the movie... again. I started watching the movie with her but I ended up falling asleep. It's not like I don't know what happens because I saw it in theaters the night it came out and I've seen it at least two more times at home but not exactly fun to fall asleep in the middle of Star Wars, which I do occasionally because each movie is like two hours long with these lulls where it's only talking so as much as even the talking is important, it's easy to snooze off, especially if you're lying down. Well, hope you enjoy this post, even if it's freakishly late.