Saturday, May 21, 2016

Suddenly doodles on Saturday

      Hello! I don't always get on my computer on Saturdays, but when I do, I haven't been on in forever and I want to get back into the hang of things so I worked on a little somethings. 

The first is a character I've posted here before but a long time ago because I haven't worked on this character ever since and I don't see myself working on any of my original Powerpuffs anymore so I'm just going to draw them for Redbubble so they don't go to waste. I worked on Annie (that's her name) while fighting with my scanner because it was refusing to recognize tiny baby Steve and his buddy (who I will work on coloring on Monday) but then I thought of something which finally helped in scanning Steve here so I worked on him. He is going to be part of a series on my Redbubble of Avengers as Wee Babbies to give Loki (Wee Babby Changeling) some company there. Ok, well, Monday I'll come up with the explanation for my disappearance and some more doodles hopefully. Have a good weekend!

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