Friday, July 31, 2015

TGIF Try Not to Laugh Challenge

      I am not in much of a drawing mood but more of a find something funny on the internet type of mood so no drawing. But I do have some stuff that I can share today that might make you laugh. First off, when the pins align...

I was on Pinterest Tuesday night looking for a reference for Elsa's leg when I noticed something kinda funny so I ran with it. And then there's some randomness that happened while drawing a few Frozen related things: 

I gotta go because the weather is threatening my computer. Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Ain't I A Stinker?

      Having missed two weeks on here I guess I've been more inspired this week to doodle and since earlier this week Bugs Bunny turned the big 7-5, I thought why not draw him again? I said again because I have drawn him before my wasting hours on the internet days. Now I'm going to compare my two "vewy pwofessional" Bugs Bunny artworks on here and you be the judge. 

The one I did today (in an hour, possibly a new record for me) was done by glancing at the old one because I didn't feel like pulling down the VHS cover that served as the original reference I used almost 10 years ago. You heard me. Almost 10 years. Obviously today's has a fresher, more youthful vibe because I did it on the computer but also he sort of got stylized a bit, especially when I forgot the above the nose wrinkles. I like them both, the old one because I was in middle school and was drawn by just looking at a 2 inch picture on a large sketchbook page and the new one just looks so nice and vibrant. The first actually had no coloring until my little sister got to it explaining the strange colored pencil and crayon strokes. (P.s. she still can't color like a pro on paper) I went through the liberty of adding a shape similar to the Looney Tunes icon because I thought the background could use some pop. Well, that's all I've got for you today and I might just come back Friday but until then, that's all folks!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Now Who Would Wanna Squish A Face Like That?

      Sorry but I had a few issues whilst drawing Friday that I just decided to take a break and ended up finishing today. 

It's Olaf! If you've been on my Instagram or found me there and happened to traipse through here, you would know that this isn't my first time drawing Olaf and you would recognize his face but this is definitely my first formal doodle involving him. I am so proud of this, it was worth all the work I put into it. I got this idea on vacation when I saw the trailer for Pixels which came out last Friday. I haven't seen it but it looks like it'll be good because there's Adam Sandler, Olaf - I mean Josh Gad, and that guy from Game of Thrones (his name escapes me. Sorry dude). Soooo, hope you guys like it, I know the grass looks a bit weird but grass is just weird, but I love the look of this so it makes me happy. Well night because I am doing this late. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

This Town Isn't Big Enough For The Both of Us

      Sorry I haven't been here in two weeks but the first week was spent trying to draw while preparing for a vacation and the second one was the actual vacation spent far away from my computer. I did draw a little bit as seen on my Instagram (the pencil drawings, the other stuff was already completed and was only here before) but I couldn't work on any of my digital projects even though I had my flashdrive on me so yeah. But I did finish one of them just now so here it is: 

First drawing with Tamiko and Chernobyl finally facing it off!!! You know there's gonna be a showdown when there's that much smoke and they have a glow around them. This would've only taken me a few days typically but I got a week long vacation in the New York area so that was great and that might have helped with how this turned out, which is pretty awesome if I say so myself. It's back to routine for me so I'll be around later with another doodle hopefully for this week so stay tuned. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

What Did I Ever Do To You?

      Ok, I'm finished with my latest doodle so here goes: 

So I watched the Zootopia trailer a while back and I got this idea from it, partly because the same people are behind both movies and partly because I already like the fox character and likened him to Hans. I think Elsa looks quite cute in uniform and I prefer Hans with his shirts tucked in but he's in character, soooooo.......... It feels like Friday for me because I generally don't do this on a Thursday but since I'll be busy starting tomorrow, I wanted to get this done and outta the way. I wish you a happy weekend in advance and let's see if I do anything next week.