Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Common Ground

      Hello. It has been a week since I posted on here, but I do have a doodle that I did today so here goes:

Look at that. They found something in common... either that or is the prequel to my Hans doodle from last May. I have had this idea for the longest but now it's winter (for pretty much everyone else in the northern hemisphere) so it was a good time to draw it. This was my first time drawing Marshmallow and, looking back at the doodle I mentioned earlier, I saw some mistakes so i may go back and fix them. I know that Hans would actually be smaller next to Marshmallow but my cartoons have the head-to-body ratio of a stylized chibi and Hans already looks pretty tiny next to him so imagine if I had kept the proportions correct 😆. I still have other ideas that I want to draw and I have less than a week left in this year. 😨 I hate how fast time flies. I might come back on Friday with something but I've been spending a lot of time fawning over Hans here, playing my Sims (one of them is Hans) and my dad lately has decided to complain about how much we spend on the computer and he always now asks do you even have a life? No, obviously, and you don't have much of one either. But if I say that, he's gonna go off on how he works so hard and I don't to hear his stupid humble bragging any longer. Why did Hans nearly kill a queen? Because he didn't get much attention and was going to get him some one way or another. I'm on the computer all the time because I'm stuck here so I may as well entertain myself with something. Ok, that was a bit of a rant there but I may or may not come back with a doodle on Friday because of impending circumstance. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Terribly Awesome Tuesday

      Finally, after a month of work and frustration, I am proud to present this masterpiece right here: 

That's right. I drew both Hans and Loki. In my semi-realistic stylization. I hit so many bumps along the way (and there's some stuff here that is actually not finished) but here it is. My favorite bad guys. Loki's eyebrows and shading gave me hell, but he doesn't look half-bad. 

So, there's a bit of a story to this. I have been wanting for maybe a year to draw these two like this but obviously i didn't get around to it until now. And months ago, I started to suspect that I may have depression (I was doing research for a character and some of the symptoms rang true for me). So, after feeling absolutely horrible about the "victor" of the U.S. elections and having a brief moment of wanting to kill myself because of it, I realized that I am. Depressed, that is. And these two right here are the characters I obsess over more, not just because they're good looking or delightfully devious, but because they both acted out for the simple fact that they felt that absolutely nobody cared about them. I have felt plenty of times that nobody cares about me so, as much as I do love the heroes in both stories, I can relate better to these two younger princes who grew up in somebody else's shadow. That makes this drawing very important and close to me so the constant bumps in the road most definitely affected me more than they should have but I am a very emotional creature and for about a couple of years my emotions are pretty much out of my control so I can't really help it. 

This is a really big drawing compared to the usual small doodles I do but there was no way this could be small, not with two characters who demand attention (whether they get it or not is a different story). This was a huge challenge to me and my sanity (whatever is left of it) but I am glad to finally say you know what i'm finished. Now I can hopefully move on to some other doodle ideas and this has been a warning to expect more Hans/Frozen related drawings again as I slipped back into that fandom. I was never fully out of it, I just wasn't as into it as some other fandoms that got obsessed with this year. It was a tiny bit freaky realizing the similarities between these two and besides that, both their actors have naturally curly hair 😄😍😚 Well, see you next time I come up with a doodle.