Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday Winter Wonderland

      I am back with another doodle. Yay! Ok, before I show it, there is apparently this argument among Frozen fans about whether Elsa should get a boyfriend or a girlfriend in the upcoming sequel. There are petitions and everything. Personally, I am a Helsa shipper so I naturally lean more towards that because I believe that it would sort of be a waste of time and money to create a whole new character to pair Elsa up with when they have a very single character available, but I don't know what Disney is planning. For all we know, they plan on letting Elsa die an old maid, Anna and Kristoff and their 15 children inherit the kingdom and we end up with this gem of an end credit scene: 

A lesson that it is best to let it go. Maybe I shouldn't have done this because I do want Helsa to become cannon and everybody will blame me if Disney decides to do this as a huge joke on all of us. Don't do it Disney! Or I will not buy your merchandise and only watch pirated versions of your movies. I also don't want Loki to die. Have I made myself clear? I hope to return with another doodle on Friday and remember, this is only a joke. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Babies and Concentrated Consulting Detectives

      Hello! This week I'm making up for about two weeks of not posting doodles with this mini fandom week. I'm calling it fandom week because all the doodles I have planned are related to my fandoms so here's two for today: 

I worked on coloring Wee Babby Companion (Bucky) yesterday but I thought he was a bit small for a post here so I left him for Blogger today. He is accompanying Loki (Wee Babby Changeling) and best bud Captain America (Wee Babby Knight) on my Redbubble in the collection Wee Babbies. And then, since I spent the past month reading a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the second doodle is based off of this quote in The Hound of the Baskervilles: "It is a singular thing, but I find that a concentrated atmosphere helps a concentration of thought. I have not pushed it to the length of getting into a box to think, but that is the logical outcome of my convictions." The original Sherlock Holmes in literature knew better than to sit in a box to think, but I am under the impression that BBC Sherlock so would. Sit in a box, that is. Well, I hope to return with more done tomorrow as I decided to sketch out my doodle ideas yesterday and work on the more complicated parts as the week goes by so stay tuned. 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Suddenly doodles on Saturday

      Hello! I don't always get on my computer on Saturdays, but when I do, I haven't been on in forever and I want to get back into the hang of things so I worked on a little somethings. 

The first is a character I've posted here before but a long time ago because I haven't worked on this character ever since and I don't see myself working on any of my original Powerpuffs anymore so I'm just going to draw them for Redbubble so they don't go to waste. I worked on Annie (that's her name) while fighting with my scanner because it was refusing to recognize tiny baby Steve and his buddy (who I will work on coloring on Monday) but then I thought of something which finally helped in scanning Steve here so I worked on him. He is going to be part of a series on my Redbubble of Avengers as Wee Babbies to give Loki (Wee Babby Changeling) some company there. Ok, well, Monday I'll come up with the explanation for my disappearance and some more doodles hopefully. Have a good weekend!