Wednesday, July 24, 2019

10 Bittersweet Years

      Hello. I know I disappeared again but this time it was because of something serious, but first, doodle:

I drew Sandra! I actually started sketching her in a new sketchbook (that one of my former co-workers gifted me) in late June at a baby shower but finished her July 3rd because this month this OC of mine turns 10. To think that reading collections of 60's era Wonder Woman, Batgirl, and Supergirl comics ten summers ago would inspire me to create a new character that would last this long considering how prone I am to obsessive phases and that I've actually created lots of characters over the years that just never had a continuous existence in my imagination like she and her story (both of which have gone through changes over the years) have. I'm actually working on her story as of lately, I'm just slow going.

The sad thing is, I finished and posted this drawing on my Instagram and Tumblr while my grandpa was in the hospital. He ended up dying on the seventh. He was the only grandpa I had ever had really (long story) so losing him so fast and so sudden has pretty much wrecked this month for my whole family. Out of the three of us most involved with him in his last days, I have actually been handling it the best oddly enough but I have my moments. I haven't been doing much in the way of doodling though, it's mostly been shutting out the rest of the world by playing sims. I also have a couple other doodles and I sketched a draw this in your style by Pernille Ørum today that will hopefully get some coloring soon so I can post it on Instagram. I quite like the skecth, I hope I don't screw it up with the colored pencils. Well, hope to see you soon.