Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Horrifying Humpday (SHARK WEEK!!!)

      Hello! I know it's Wednesday but I'm back! This week is Shark Week on Discovery Channel and I have a Daddy Hiddles doodle for the occasion. There's a quote of Tom Hiddleston's that I do not how true it is but in it, he explains that he is terrified of sharks. Chris Hemsworth, however, actually loves sharks so the thought of these two men who are obviously best friends having completely different views on this notorious animal is hilarious. Personally, I fall in the middle having a great fascination and respect for the animal but I do not want to touch one or be in close proximity in its territory out of shear fear of a bite or attack. So here's my doodle:

I know for a fact that I drew Chris's legs funny because Tom's leg actually ended up in the way and I've only seen baby pictures of India Rose so I invented little bangs because I was not sure of her hair. I actually started this on Monday (only sketched a little bit for an hour deciding on what action the shark was doing) and finished it yesterday but I went out last night and didn't feel like finishing up the draft when I came back. I haven't been able to see anything from Shark Week yet and there was going to be a sonogram this year. I completely missed out on Shark Week last year because I didn't know when it was and I was upset when I found out on vacation that it was just the week before. Oh well. I could visit my grandparents' on Friday to watch something and there's clips online. I don't know how soon I'll doodle again but if I don't come back on Friday, I hope you have a nice week. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Cartoon Charicature

      Hello! It has been so long! I have doodled little stuff but I wanted to have something substantial to post here so I have something today to break this no doodle streak: 

Yay! More Daddy Hiddles! I got this idea a while back, I think around Wizard World (I didn't go, but thanks for asking), but I decided to work on it today because I don't want it to look like I abandoned my blogs and I've been bored in the afternoons lately although I have been doing more reading lately and that kept me entertained until I finished the book. By the way, I loved Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World, it's great. I also read a good portion of Sherlock Holmes stories in April/May and currently checked out a collection of love poems and sonnets by Shakespeare so I'm getting cultured over here. My sister colored the majority of this for me because my finger where the pen rests started hurting. Hope to be back soon.